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OR&R Provides Northern California Shoreline Assessment Training

FEBRUARY 19, 2016—From February 16 - 18, the OR&R Emergency Response Division provided oil spill response training to a variety of response agencies in and around the San Francisco Bay Area.

This Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) Team Member training provided students with the skills, class and field exercises to properly identify shoreline habitats, document the nature and extent of shoreline oiling, and recommend cleanup strategies to assist responders in minimizing overall environmental impacts and optimizing cleanup operations. Trainees included members from the U.S.Coast Guard’s Pacific Strike Team and Sector San Francisco as well as representatives from California’s Office of Spill Prevention & Response (OSPR) and the Romberg Tiberon Center. The training culminated in an independent field exercise in which teams documented their field observations and briefed their findings to a Coast Guard Operations Section Chief.

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Instructor speaking to students on a beach.
OR&R Emergency Response Division training team guides students’ field exercise practicing their newly acquired SCAT field skills. (NOAA)
Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:52pm PST