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U.S. Coast Guard Seventh District Holds Planning Conference

SEPTEMBER 25, 2015--U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Miami hosted a two-day conference for district staff and planning department representatives from each district sector or marine safety unit to discuss planning issues currently being addressed or on the horizon.

The district commander, Admiral Buschman, addressed district challenges and priorities from planning, readiness, and response perspectives. Discussions focused on area committee work, regional response teams, exercises, maritime safety, search and rescue and a variety of other Coast Guard program responsibilities. Brad Benggio, the Scientific Support Coordinator assigned to Seventh District attended and presented and overview of OR&R support to the Coast Guard.

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Man speaking to group of men.
Captain Gleason from U.S. Coast Guard headquarters lectures at the conference. (NOAA)
Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:53pm PST