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Article on Long-Term Data Management Published in Special Deepwater Horizon 10-Year issue of Shore & Beach

MARCH 30, 2020 — NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration and the Restoration Center are pleased to announce a new publication in the journal Shore & Beach that highlights our work and leadership on long-term data management in the Gulf of Mexico.

Beach with dune grass and water in background.
Restored dunes on the Florida Gulf Coast. Image credit: U.S. Department of Interior.

The paper in this special Deepwater Horizon 10 year dedicated issue highlights the summary of collaborative work, findings, and recommendations from two workshops and over two years of working groups led by NOAA and involving experts from over 30 organizations including State, Federal, non-governmental organizations, and restoration practitioners.  

OR&R and Restoration Center jointly sponsored and led the workshops and working groups, which were facilitated by Dr. Nancy Kinner, co-Director of the Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) at the University of New Hampshire. All workshop reports and presentations are available on the CRRC website

Scientists from several key organizations including the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine, Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (RESTORE Council) and NOAA’s National Center for Environmental Information provided leadership on the workshops and working groups, with PhD candidates Kathryn Keating (LSU) and Missy Gloekly (UNH) as lead authors on the paper.  

For more information, please contact NOAA co-authors and

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Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:46pm PST