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Planning for 2018 Spill of National Significance Exercise (SONS)

Jan. 19, 2018 — On January 18, OR&R’s Director David Westerholm and Emergency Response Division Chief Scott Lundgren joined other federal departments and agencies in an Executive Steering Committee meeting to plan the 2018 Spill of National Significance Exercise (SONS) to be held in March.

Spill of National Significance logo.

This exercise is part of a series, the latest being SONS 2016, to test the senior leadership engagement necessary for response to the most complex spill responses. 

NOAA leadership is involved due to statutory roles in providing scientific support for coastal oil and chemical spills, assessing injury and restoring impacted natural resources after a spill, and supporting response with other NOAA services and expertise necessary for response.  

The Office of Response and Restoration further provides the Department of Commerce representative to the 15 member agency National Response Team that oversees the nation's environmental emergency response system and supports large scale responses.

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Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:51pm PST