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Story Map: $34.3M to Restore Marine Resources Damaged by Pollution

NOVEMBER 9, 2018 — If a picture is worth a thousand words, then Story Maps are worth even more. Story Maps are custom maps used to communicate messages in a visual and interactive way.

Story Map cover.

This map highlights the $34.3 million NOAA secured in 2018 with cooperating companies across America to restore natural resources damaged by industrial pollution and oil spills. Six pollution cases were settled, resolving several companies of their liability, and totaling $34.3 million that will go toward restoration.

These cases included two oil spills and four hazardous waste sites in Maryland, Washington, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Louisiana, and Massachusetts.

The $34.3 million secured from these settlements will be used for the restoration of public resources such as fish, wildlife, habitats, and recreation.

America's coastal and marine environments are a shared public resource. They belong to us all.

Visit the story map and walk through the six sites to learn more about NOAA's work on injured marine and freshwater resources in 2018.

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Group of people with notebooks standing in a grassy area.
Scientists work to restore shorebirds in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Image credit: NOAA.
Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:50pm PST