Draft Restoration Plan for American Cyanamid Site
MAY 13, 2016-- Following years of intensive cleanup and assessment at the American Cyanamid site, NOAA is now accepting public comment on a draft restoration plan and environmental assessment [PDF] until June 10, 2016.
The draft plan proposes removing the Weston Mill Dam on the Millstone River, and conducting analysis and design studies to improve fish passage at the Island Farm Weir on the Raritan River. Removal of the Weston Mill Dam would restore habitat for fish and other in-river trust resources injured by long-term releases related to the site. For decades, the American Cyanamid facility released a range of contaminants directly into the Raritan River. Groundwater, soil, and waste disposal areas in the vicinity of the American Cyanamid property are contaminated with VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, and metals. NOAA continues to work with the lead cleanup agency and the other trustees to evaluate cleanup and restoration efforts. For further information, contact Reyhan.Mehran@noaa.gov. Go back to OR&R Weekly Report.