Incident Responses for June 2017
July 5, 2017 - Every month our Emergency Response Division provides scientific expertise and services to the U.S. Coast Guard. Our services include everything from running oil spill trajectories to possible effects on wildlife and fisheries, and estimates on how long the oil may stay in the environment. Several calls in June required our help to determine areas that might be effected by possible chemical releasess. In those incidents, we used our CAMEO Chemicals modeling software to identify areas at risk. Our Incident News website has information on oil spills and other incidents where we provided scientific support.

Here are some of this month’s responses:
- F/V Miss Destinee
- F/V Whimsea Fire and Sinking
- Ford Plant Avon Lake, OH Chemical Release
- Chevron Propylene/propane barge-Dock 4
- F/V Lady Demaries Sinking, Offshore of Galveston
- Yacht L'Enterprise
- Black Bay Chemical Totes
- Liberated barge, Main Pass 25
- Navlox Taurus
- Catlettsburg Utica Crude (discharge investigation)
- F/V Taku Sinking
- Dock 12, Port of Texas City, Potential Off-gas from Vessel
- Mystery Spill or anomaly off St Augustine FL
- Mystery Sheen, Trinity Bay
- Sunoco Logistics