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OR&R Participates in Clean Gulf 2015

In addition to serving on the planning committee, OR&R presented one poster and six papers, served as a chair or co-chair for two sessions and participated on a panel for the December 2-4, 2014, Clean Gulf Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

The conference was attended by over 2,000 professionals with expertise in oil and gas development, oil spill prevention, preparedness and response and environmental mapping and monitoring. Response practitioners from throughout the Gulf Coast and beyond discussed trends and best practices in response operations. Participants learned about solutions for safely producing and transporting unconventional and conventional oil.

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Two men and a woman at a conference.
OR&R's John Tarpley, Dave Westerholm, and Debbie Payton at the Clean Gulf Conference. (NOAA)
Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:53pm PST