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Shoreline Assessment Training near San Francisco

MARCH 29, 2019 — On March 26-28, NOAA's Emergency Response Division provided a three day oil spill response training to a variety of response and resource management agencies from around the San Francisco Bay area.

A group of people looking at an area of dry grass.
NOAA instructors discuss the importance of salt water marshes to estuarine ecosystems and their sensitivities to both oil spills and cleanup operations at China Camp State Park in Marin County, California. A saltwater marsh is visible on the right of the photo with San Pablo Bay in the background. Image credit: NOAA.

This Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) training provided nearly 30 students with the skills and experience to properly identify shoreline habitats, document the nature and extent of shoreline oiling, provide input on cleanup priorities and recommend cleanup strategies during an oil spill. Trainees included members from several U.S. Coast Guard field units (Pacific Strike Team, Sector San Francisco) as well as representatives from California’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and staff from NOAA's Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. The training culminated in an independent field exercise in which teams documented their field observations and briefed their findings to experienced USCG spill response personnel. 

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Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:49pm PST