The Passing of the Torch: New Director Scott Lundgren Takes the Helm at NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration
NOV. 4, 2019 — NOAA recently announced that Scott Lundgren will be taking the helm on Nov. 12 as director of NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration — NOAA’s office dedicated to preparedness, response, and restoration efforts to protect coastal resources from threats of oil, chemicals, marine debris, and natural disasters.

"Scott [Lundgren] is an outstanding choice as our new director and I'm leaving OR&R in highly capable hands," said former director, David Westerholm, who retired last week. "Scott's range of experience, demonstrated leadership, environmental stewardship and compelling vision will serve as a solid foundation for OR&R. More importantly his commitment to our people will ensure this office always has a promising future."
Lundgren joined NOAA in 2015 as the chief of the Emergency Response Division — the group within OR&R that provides scientific support for preparedness and response to spills and other coastal emergencies. During his time as division chief, Lundgren led scientific support for preparedness for and response to over 600 significant spills and coastal incidents, including extensive response following recent hurricane seasons.
Prior to NOAA, Lundgren served as a 23 year civilian employee of the Coast Guard in several environmental response and incident management positions from the field to headquarters. He was the senior technical advisor to the Coast Guard’s Marine Environmental Response program office and led the Coast Guard’s all hazards preparedness division.
Lundgren lives with his wife and high school son in Fairfax, Virginia. Their daughter is currently a college sophomore in Boston. Lundgren holds a master’s degree in natural resources management and biology from Harvard University Extension School, a master’s degree in national security and strategic studies from the Naval War College, and a bachelor’s degree in biology and environmental studies from Tufts University.
“OR&R has been a key partner throughout my professional career. I was drawn to NOAA by the talent, passion, and knowledge of the OR&R team and my affinity for its mission. I’m excited to lead the range of OR&R roles, from oil and chemical spill response and restoration, marine debris, and disaster preparedness,” Lundgren said. “I am looking forward to getting to know the staff as well as our partners and stakeholders as we continue to advance and evolve OR&R’s capacity to provide important products and services that benefit the environment, the public, and the economy.”