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RMP*Comp™ is an offsite consequence analysis program that was originally developed jointly by NOAA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The more recent versions of RMP*Comp have been developed solely by EPA, and you can access RMP*Comp online at the EPA site.

The Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule implements section 112(r) of the 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA). Facilities that fall under the RMP rule must complete certain hazard analysis and planning, and RMP*Comp is designed to help with that.

RMP*Comp steps you through a short list of questions about the CAA-regulated chemical (such as the amount released) in the offsite consequence analysis. (Both worst-case and alternative scenarios can be run.) RMP*Comp then estimates the distance to endpoint according to EPA's recommended procedures. You can enter the RMP*Comp values into your facility's final RMP plan.

More Information about RMP*Comp

  • RMP*Comp Overview: Read about the RMP*Comp program and get links to other RMP resources on the EPA site.
  • RMP Resources: Find a list of RMP guidance documents provided by the EPA.
  • RMP FAQs: Review some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about RMP on the EPA site.
  • CAMEO® Software Suite: Find out more about the four core programs—and several related programs—in the CAMEO software suite, which aids in hazardous material response and planning.

Questions: Contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions about RMP*Comp.

Last updated Friday, April 22, 2022 9:48am PDT