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OR&R Charts Course for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Efforts in FY2025

JULY 29, 2024 — From July 9-11, staff from NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R)’s Disaster Preparedness Program (DPP) and Emergency Response Division (ERD) convened in Seattle, Washington to strategize program operations for the upcoming 2025 fiscal year (FY25). The DPP provides a breadth of preparedness, response, and recovery services to OR&R and the National Ocean Service by focusing on all aspects of potential risk. The ERD provides scientific and technical support to prepare for and respond to oil and chemical releases and other marine pollution emergencies.

Individual reviews post-its plastered on wall during a collaborative planning activity.
Acting ERD Chief reviews suggestions for FY25 operational plan. Image credit: NOAA.

During the two-day gathering, team members had the opportunity to build strong connections, get better acquainted with diverse roles and activities across the two divisions, and develop operational plans for FY25 with a focus on cross-divisional collaboration. For many in attendance, this was the first opportunity to foster connections with their coworkers and provide divisional updates in person.

Staff worked together to prepare for fiscal year 2025 and beyond by sharing collaborative ideas and strategic opportunities as well as identifying possible risks and challenges. The FY25 Operations Plan will serve as the roadmap to further the OR&R Strategic Plan for 2024-2028 and support the vision and mission of both divisions.

Last updated Friday, July 26, 2024 12:38pm PDT