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OR&R Presents at Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments

OR&R Assessment and Restoration Division staff will present at the Battelle Eighth International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments in New Orleans during the week of January 11, 2015.

More than 600 participants are expected with representatives from industry, government, and academia.
Jay Field will make a presentation on “Using Model Emulation to Update Projections of Future Fish Tissue PCBs in the Lower Hudson River”. John Kern (Kern Statistical Services) and Lisa Rosman of OR&R are co-authors. The paper uses a model emulation approach that provides a fast and inexpensive way to efficiently condense complex integrated models into a simple, easy-to-use model while still retaining the underlying properties of the original model. The approach was used to assess the impact of updated information on the original model predictions of fish concentrations in the Lower Hudson River.

Ken Finkelstein will present a poster entitled "Benthic Injury Dose-Response Models for PCB-Contaminated Sediments". Co-authors are Tom Dillon (Dillon Environmental Consulting) and Nancy Beckvar. This poster describes a method to generate a continuum of benthic injury dose-response for PCB laden sediment. This approach differs from all other Equilibrium Partitioning sediment analyses in that we examined a gradient of effects rather than a single protective value.

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Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:53pm PST