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OR&R Promotes Waste Management and Marine Debris in the Indo-Pacific for International Visitor Leadership Program Delegation

JULY 15, 2024 — On July 2, the NOAA Marine Debris Program presented at the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) delegation on the topic of promoting waste management and tackling marine debris for the Indo-Pacific region. This event was coordinated by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Oceans and the International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of Conservation and Water. The IVLP delegation included representatives from India, Japan, Maldives, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Vietnam. 

The goals of the IVLP delegation are to assess U.S. solid waste management practices, particularly efforts to reduce, recycle, or otherwise control the amounts and kinds of toxins reaching marine environments; meet with policymakers, scientists, activists, and industry officials to discuss collaborative efforts to manage waste more efficiently to foster economic opportunities and reduce ocean pollution; observe examples of public-private campaigns for coastal protection and clean-up; and to examine strategies for transboundary regional collaboration in minimizing and controlling marine debris and pollution. 

California Regional Coordinator, Christy Kehoe, presenting on behalf of the NOAA Marine Debris Program, shared insight on its six holistic pillars as well as its partnerships to address the issue at the local, regional, and international levels. Other speakers included the U.S. State Department Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs the State Department Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Office of Regional Security and Policy provided an overview of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy. 

The U.S. Department of State Office of International Visitors is responsible for implementing the IVLP. Launched in 1940, the IVLP seeks to build mutual understanding between the U.S. and other nations through short-term visits to the U.S. for current and emerging foreign leaders. With the help of a dedicated network of community-based non-profit organizations, the IVLP has introduced more than 225,000 international visitors to communities throughout the U.S. with more than 500 IVLP participants having become heads of state or government.

Learn more about ongoing global, regional, and binational collaboration initiatives the NOAA Marine Debris Program is involved in to better understand and address marine debris internationally.

Last updated Monday, July 22, 2024 5:33am PDT