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OR&R Weekly Report

The Office of Response and Restoration publishes this weekly round-up of news and information of interest to our partners, stakeholders, and team members. Click to subscribe

Response vessels assist a wrecked fishing vessel.

SEPT. 16, 2024 — U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Sector Northern New England recently completed a salvage operation of a historic sardine fishing vessel that sank in Maine during a January 2024 nor'easter. William Whitmore, the NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator for Sector Northern New England provided guidance to the USCG during the response and salvage efforts.

Five individuals stand next to each other holding a ribbon that reads: Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary.

SEPT. 16, 2024 — On September 6, over 300 people gathered at the William S. Cahill Pier in Oswego, New York to witness and celebrate the designation of Southeastern Lake Ontario as the nation’s 16th national marine sanctuary.

SEPT. 16, 2024 — On September 4, NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator for the Pacific Islands, Ruth Yender, participated in the 2024 U.S.-Taiwan Coast Guard Marine Environmental Response Group Online Symposium Program. The objective of the symposium was to deepen the cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. in marine environmental response by providing an opportunity for dialogue and enhancing understanding of each other.

July 2015

JULY 24, 2015--On Thursday, July 23, 2015, staff from the OR&R’s Spatial Data Branch presented and demonstrated information management during incident response to the University of Washington’s Native Youth Enrichment Program. Roughly 25 middle-school students from western Washington treaty tribes learned about the importance of entering into STEM fields, information management tools and the use of Traditional Knowledge during incident response. Outreach Coordination was provided through NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region.

Photo of a man in uniform on a boat.

JULY 24, 2015--LT Greg Schweitzer developed his NOAA career skills early in life by doodling weather maps, beginning in kindergarten and continuing through high school as a volunteer spot reporter for the National Weather Service.

JULY 24, 2015--Entering into year four of a partnership with the Marine Debris Program (MDP), the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary has expanded their shoreline marine debris monitoring effort to include two new beach cleanup sites.

process flow diagram

JULY 24, 2015-- Seventy-six people tuned into a public webinar on Tuesday to learn about getting to restoration via Natural Resource Damage Assessment.

Dead crab on a beach.

JULY 17, 2015--New software from NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration could serve as a one-stop rapid response tool to aid spill responders as they assess the environmental effects of chemical or oil spills.

JULY 17, 2015--“This is LT Murphy with the USCG. There has been a ship collision in Puget Sound off of Shilshole Bay.” So began the journey for NOAA Science camp participants exploring what OR&R’s Emergency Response Division scientists do during an oil spill emergency.

Photo of man standing in front of trees.

JULY 17, 2015--Ben Shorr, with OR&R’s Assessment and Restoration Division, gave a keynote presentation at the National Environmental Monitoring Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

JULY 10, 2015 -- A new version of CAMEO Chemicals was released this month. You can learn about critical response information for thousands of chemicals in the database, and you can also use the reactivity tool to find out about what hazards (such as explosions or corrosive byproducts) might occur when two substances mix together.

JULY 10, 2015--During the first week of July, the NOAA Marine Debris Program hosted the Marine Debris Prevention Projects Webinar. More than 80 participants engaged in marine debris prevention from across the country joined the call to learn more about education and outreach projects funded through program's Marine Debris Prevention through Education and Outreach grants..

JULY 10, 2015 -- The week of July 6, 2015, the newest version of the ALOHA hazard modeling program (version 5.4.5) was released.

June 2015

JUNE 26, 2015--On June 26, 2015, NOAA OR&R staff joined with staff from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the NOAA Homeland Security Program Office (HSPO) to brief the senior NOAA leadership on on-going preparedness activities for the 2015 oil exploration season about to begin in the Arctic.

JUNE 26, 2015--On June 24, 2015, a contingent of National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) scientists led by Dr. Mike Fulton from the NCOSS Hollings Marine Laboratory met with OR&R Emergency Response Division scientists to discuss preliminary results from a cooperative research project.

Woman driving a boat.

JUNE 26, 2015--Kimberly Page Albins joined NOAA’s Marine Debris Division as the Marine Debris Regional Coordinator for the Gulf of Mexico in April of 2013.

Group of people sitting around a table.

JUNE 26, 2015--From June 23 - 25, 2015, the NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP) hosted a marine debris reduction planning workshop at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center near Annapolis, Maryland.

JUNE 26, 2015--On June 24-25, 2015, OR&R participated in a U.S. Coast Guard Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) drill in New Orleans, Louisiana, with Shell Oil playing the responsible party.

Two men sitting on a table.

JUNE 19, 2015--OR&R’s Ed Levine and Frank Csulak of the Emergency Response Division and Simeon Hahn of the Assessment and Restoration Division participated in the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay Consensus Ecological Risk Assessment (CERA) Meeting at the Delaware County Emergency Training Center in Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania on June 9-10, 2015.

Instructor lectures students on a beach.

JUNE 19, 2015--The week of June 8, 2015, the NOAA Marine Debris Program co-hosted the Great Lakes Marine Debris Educators Workshop with Ohio Sea Grant.

Instructor talking to a class.

JUNE 19, 2015--OR&R's Ken Finkelstein of the Assessment and Restoration Division attended the North Atlantic Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicologists and Chemists on June 10-12, 2015 in Freeport, Maine.

Riverbank being replanted, building in background.

JUNE 19, 2015--On June 19, 2015, NOAA presented an Excellence in Restoration Award to the Boeing Company to recognize their restoration project on the lower Duwamish River in Seattle, Washington, resulting from a cooperative Natural Resource Damages Settlement.

Two people next to a small boat on a trailer.

JUNE 12, 2015--On Monday, June 8, 2015, the Navigation Response Branch held their annual meeting at the NOAA Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Center (DRC).

Group of students work with equipment.

JUNE 12, 2015--During the week of June 8, 2015, OR&R presented a pilot version of its newly developed Science of Chemical Release course at the NOAA Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Center in Mobile, Alabama.

JUNE 12, 2015--Every year Capitol Hill Oceans Week (CHOW) spurs discussion of the top issues facing our oceans today. This year’s event included key leaders in the ocean community including members of congress, nongovernmental organizations, NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, and other government officials.

Two women talk to children at a table.

JUNE 12, 2015--Are you ready for some Trash Talk? Of course we're talking about the marine debris kind. In honor of World Ocean Day on June 8, 2015, the NOAA Marine Debris Program, along with NOAA Ocean Today, launched a series of video-shorts titled "Trash Talk."

Men sampling in a river with buckets.

JUNE 12, 2015--On June 8, 2015, NOAA along with our fellow Trustees announced a natural resource damage settlement with Enbridge that will result in multiple resource restoration projects along the Kalamazoo River and will require Enbridge to pay an additional sum of nearly $4 million.

Group of people posing in front of a statue of a hand.

JUNE 12, 2015--OR&R’s Diversity Committee met in Silver Spring at the beginning of June to chart its course for the next two years.

Group of men in life vests pose for photo outdoors.

JUNE 12, 2015--From May 26 - 28, 2015, OR&R’s Scientific Support Coordinator participated on the National Response Team (NRT) review for safety, security, and environmental impacts of liquefied natural gas transits in the Panama Canal.

JUNE 12, 2015--The Deepwater Horizon oil spill brought unprecedented media attention. Add to that modern media trends like the 24 hour news cycle and social media, spill responders and media faced new challenges communicating with each other.

JUNE 12, 2015--On June 11, 2015, OR&R released Version 3.2 of the Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA®) which improves performance of the application.

A class photo of all the students on the beach.

JUNE 12, 2015--The week of June 1, 2015 at NOAA’s main Seattle campus, OR&R’s Emergency Response Division team of oil spill scientists concluded the last of four “Science of Oil Spills” (SOS) workshops planned for fiscal year 2015.
