Regional Resource Experts' Support of ESI Mapping
The comprehensive biological and human-use portions of NOAA Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps and data would not be possible without the support of regional resource experts. These professionals provide distribution, abundance, and seasonality information about the species they study and observe on a daily basis. They work with NOAA contractors to integrate their knowledge with data provided by other experts, enabling NOAA to present a concise summary of resources found in the region. They review drafts as the ESI evolves, and assure that the data present an accurate representation of their knowledge. Without their willingness to contribute their time and expertise towards these efforts, the ESI products would not be possible.
These contributors are recognized in the ESI introductory pages, as well as in the feature-level metadata available within the ESI Geodatabase (SOURCES table). Because some regions cite as many as 300 individuals and their agencies, we cannot thank everyone in this small space. Users are encouraged to use the introductory pages and GIS source information to learn more about these dedicated contributors.
In addition, financial support for ESI development is provided by a number of federal and state agencies. These entities are also acknowledged in the introductory pages.
To all of you, a very heartfelt thank you!