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Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) Training at the DRC

The Office of Response and Restoration's Emergency Response Division (ERD) will be hosting its Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) class in Mobile, Alabama, January 12-14, 2016. This course is focused on providing responders with the skills necessary to be a successful member of a SCAT team and is particularly focused on the inland zone with a regional emphasis on higher-risk, oil-producing areas of Alabama and Mississippi. This course will outline methods for conducting shoreline assessments and incorporating the results into the decision-making process for shoreline cleanup at oil spills. It will also provide you with methods you can use to plan and conduct shoreline assessments after an oil spill. You will be shown that shoreline surveys must be conducted systematically because they are crucial components of effective decision-making. In addition, repeated surveys are needed to monitor the effectiveness and effects of ongoing treatment methods (changes in shoreline oiling conditions, as well as natural recovery), so that the need for changes in methodology, additional treatment, or constraints can be evaluated. You then will be able to incorporate your assessment results into your decision-making process for the shoreline cleanup. To register, please complete the SCAT Application Form. If you have difficulty accessing this spreadsheet, applicants can also email Adam Davis, NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator. There is no tuition for this course, however, students are responsible for ensuring they have all materials and supplies and are responsible for all miscellaneous expenses (lodging, travel, food, etc). Application deadline is December 10, 2015.

Last updated Monday, February 26, 2024 10:37pm PST