Understanding Dispersants in Oil Spill Response
On November 12-14, 2014, OR&R staff participated in a technical forum entitled “Understanding Dispersants in Oil Spill Response”, at the Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
The forum was hosted by the University and sponsored by Clean Caribbean and Americas (CCA), and Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL). The workshop was attended by government, academic, industry, and international parties from 18 different countries. OR&R staff gave presentations on toxicology and biological effects of dispersants, NOAA Disaster Response Center activities, NOAA E-tools for planning and decision-making, and participated in a panel discussion and Q&A on dispersants.
Other presentations at the forum included case histories, updates on industry activities, international activities, Net Environmental Benefit Analysis, human dimensions of dispersant use, and other related topics.
For more information, contact Doug.Helton@noaa.gov.
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