Lecture: Wildlife Deterrence during the Aleutian Isle Incident
We hope you can join this lecture — part of the monthly lecture series, You Don't Know What You Don't Know!
In this month's episode, we'll learn from Hanna Miller, Natural Resource Management Specialist with NOAA Fisheries' Office of Protected Resources, how marine wildlife was protected during the response to the Aleutian Isle spill incident in August 2022.
Hannah will describe deterrence measures taken to protect the Southern Resident Killer Whales, and cetacean deterrence in general. She'll also tell about the deterrence team that was stood up and the whale detection system that was set up around Puget Sound to track whale sightings around the incident location.
Mark your calendar for this month's lecture on the third Thursday of the month at noon PT — and please feel free to share the series with others in the professional spill planning, response, and environmental science communities.