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Screenshot of the updated CAMEOfm program: CAMEO Data Manager.
A screenshot of the updated CAMEOfm program: CAMEO Data Manager.

NASTTPO: Introduction to CAMEO Data Manager

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

This two-hour session will introduce participants to the new CAMEO Data Manager, a program that replaces CAMEOfm and helps emergency planners and responders track Tier II and other emergency response information. Participants will see the new features in the program and have a chance to ask questions from the program development team.

The event is a NASTTPO (National Association of SARA Title III Program Officials) webinar and is intended for those familiar with Tier II data. No experience with CAMEOfm or CAMEO Data Manager is required.

Interested parties can register for free on the NASTTPO website.

The event will be hosted via GoToWebinar.