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Poster for Dr. Jacqui Michel lecture on topic of sunken oil mats, described in page text.
Our June 11 lecture will be by Dr. Jacqui Michel, who will present on the topic of sunken oil mats (SOMs)

Online Lecture: Sunken Oil Mats

Dr. Jacqui Michel, President/Geochemist, Research Planning, Inc.
Thursday, June 11, 2020

We hope you can join this lecture — part of the weekly lecture series, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW!

Sunken oil mats (SOMs) can form near the shoreline under a range of circumstances and present unique and difficult challenges in oil spill response. Dr. Michel will describe how they may be out of sight, but they are not out of mind.

A new response guide, co-authored by Dr. Michel and Phil Bambach, Research Planning, Inc., examines how SOMs have formed in a variety of marine, estuarine, and fresh water environments. It reviews a collection of spill incidents that included SOMs, and outlines factors for the formation of these oil deposits, survey methods to detect them, and effective methods to recover them.

A Response Guide for Sunken Oil Mats (SOMs): Formation, Behavior, Detection and Recovery [PDF]

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