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GOODS: Downloading Maps

When working in NOAA OR&R's oil spill trajectory model, GNOME, you will first need to obtain a base map of the shoreline. The Web application, GOODS, allows you to more easily use model output or observational data from publicly available external sources. Through GOODS, you can cut out "on the fly" shorelines from the Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline (GSHHS) Database and download them in the GNOME-compatible format. Try it out by choosing "Custom Map Generator" from the main GOODS page.
A screenshot from the GOODS website of the Custom Map Generator. The tool allows you to extract coastline data for a particular region by entering bounding latitude/longitude values in text boxes or by using a rectangle selector tool on the Google map.
The Custom Map Generator interface in GOODS. A rectangular region can be selected by manually entering bounding latitudes and longitudes, or by using the embedded Google map. Clicking "Get Map" returns a GNOME-formatted base map.

Next, use GOODS to download a wind forecast, or return to the main GOODS page.
Last updated Thursday, October 31, 2013 5:10pm PDT