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GOODS: Downloading Wind Forecasts

GOODS has links to both point and gridded forecast products produced by NOAA. The gridded products may be regional or may cover the entire globe. In addition to National Weather Service Marine Point Forecasts, you can access wind observations from meteorological buoys through the National Data Buoy Center.

As in the Custom Map Generator, you can choose to cut out the forecast for your region of interest using the Google Maps interface, or you can manually enter a bounding box.  

A screenshot from the GOODS website of the interface for downloading a National Weather Service Point Forecast. A point can be selected either by entering latitude/longitude values in the text boxes or by clicking a point on the Google map.
The GOODS interface for downloading a National Weather Service "Point Forecast."
Next, use GOODS to download an ocean currents forecast, or return to the main GOODS page.
Last updated Thursday, October 31, 2013 4:53pm PDT