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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About ADIOS

Here are answers to questions about development, updating, installing, and using OR&R's oil weathering model, ADIOS.

Q. I'm having trouble viewing the ADIOS manual on my Windows-based computer.

A. For help with this issue, contact the ADIOS Specialist.

Q. Does ADIOS have any bugs?

A. No. An earlier ADIOS version contained the following bug, which has been corrected:

Some ADIOS estimates of initial benzene concentration were too high by two orders of magnitude. That is, ADIOS reported a benzene concentration of 200 ppm when it should have reported a concentration of 2 ppm. The bug was manifested only if the ADIOS oil properties library did not include an initial benzene fraction in the selected oil. It was the default estimation routine which had the bug. To check whether ADIOS has an initial benzene fraction value for an oil of interest: (1) select that oil from the oils and products list, (2) click "Oil Information," (3) click the "More Properties" tab, and then (4) see whether there's a value for "benzene" (if not, "--" appears).

Q. In Windows, where are my saved ADIOS scenario files stored?

A. In Windows 10/8/7/Vista, by default, ADIOS2 scenario files are stored in the C:\Users\{user name}\Documents directory. In Windows XP/2000 those files are stored in the ADIOS2 application directory C:\Program Files\ADIOS2 or in the My Documents folder (C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\My Documents).

Q. In Windows, where can I find ADIOS work/output files, such as a budget table, custom oil library, ICS table, PC volume fraction output (VolFrac.txt), slick area output (SlickArea.txt) , and program dump (.dmp) files?

A. In Windows 10/8/7/Vista, you can find those files in this directory: C:\Users/{user name}\AppData\Local\Virtual Store\Program Files (x86)\ADIOS2. Note: To see AppData folder, you must enable viewing of hidden files and folders in the Control Panel (Folder Options > View). In Windows XP/2000, ADIOS2 puts work/output files in the application directory (C:\Program Files\ADIOS2).

Q. I’m running ADIOS in Windows 10/8/7/Vista and got the error message, "Core: Cannot create a dump file" (or "An error occurred while attempting to save changes to the Custom Oil Library"). What should I do?

A. Check if appropriate permissions are set for ADIOS working directory in Windows 10/8/7/Vista. Open Windows Explorer and locate the ADIOS2 working directory: C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Local\Virtual Store\Program Files (x86)\ADIOS2. Right-click the folder, click Properties, and then click the Security tab. Make sure it allows you to Read/Write/Execute/Modify/List Folder Contents. If there is no such directory, most likely you are using an old ADIOS2 version. In this case, you should uninstall ADIOS2 and download and install its latest version.

Q. Can you tell me about the algorithms that ADIOS uses to make its predictions?

A. You can find this information in the ADIOS Help topics, under "Program Structure." You also might want to read the following reference:

Lehr, W., D. Wesley, D. Simecek-Beatty, R. Jones, G. Kachook, and J. Lankford. 2000. Algorithm and interface modifications of the NOAA oil spill behavior model. Pp. 525-540. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, June 14-16, 2000, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Volume 2. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Environment Canada.


Even more questions, comments, or suggestions? Contact us.

Last updated Friday, October 20, 2017 4:45pm PDT