TAP for Specific Regions
Trajectory Analysis Planner (TAP) packages for some locations are available for download below; however, all of these can be viewed online in the WebTAP viewer with full functionality.
The TAP files have been compressed as self-extracting zip files so that they can be downloaded more easily from the Internet. [Need help with compressed files?] Also note that some of these zipped files are very large, so download times may be long.
- San Francisco Bay, California [Zip, 74.5 MB]
- San Diego Bay, California [Zip, 34.1 MB]
- Puget Sound, Washington [Zip, 41.7 MB]
- Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii [Zip, 110.5 MB]
- Lake Calcasieu, Louisiana [Zip, 17.6 MB]
- Lake Sabine, Texas and Louisiana [Zip, 12.8 MB]
- Inchon Harbor, Korea [Zip, 342.1 MB]: This TAP version was created by Dr. Khang of the Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI). No documentation is available for this version; however, the documentation for other TAP versions can be generalized for this version.
- Persian/Arabian Gulf [Zip, 31.7 MB]
- Arctic [Zip, 745 MB]: This TAP was developed by NOAA OR&R and the NOAA Restoration Center, with funding from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. It covers the region of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, from the western Canadian border to the eastern Russian shoreline and south to the Bering Strait. The Arctic TAP Fact Sheet [PDF, 666 KB] provides a brief description of it.
Questions: Contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions about TAP.
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