ABC's of Arctic Acronyms
The Office of Response and Restoration has compiled a useful explanation of common Arctic acronyms and abbreviations for marine science, fisheries, and oil spills.
Abbreviation/ Acronym |
Long Title | Comments |
ABC | Acceptable Biological Catch | |
ABWC | Alaska Beluga Whale Committee | An Alaska Native Organization |
ACADIS | Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service | Part of the Arctic Observing Network |
ACMP | Alaska Coastal Management Program | Alaska's CZMP |
ACS | Alaska Clean Seas | An industry Arctic oil spill response organization, or OSRO |
ADFG | Alaska Department of Fish and Game | |
ADIOS | Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills | NOAA's oil weathering model |
AEA | Alaska Energy Authority | |
AEWC | Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission | An Alaska Native Organization |
AFA | American Fisheries Act | |
AFN | Alaska Federation of Natives | Statewide organization of Alaska Natives |
AFSC | Alaska Fisheries Science Center | NOAA Fisheries |
AMMC | Aleut Marine Mammal Commission | Particular focus on Steller sea lions and harbor seals |
AMSA | Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment | Arctic Council Publication in 2009 |
ANC | Alaska Nanuuq Commission | An Alaska Native Organization, polar bear and ice seal focus |
ANCSA | Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act | |
ANHSC | Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission | |
ANILCA | Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act | |
ANO | Alaska Native Organization | |
ANWR | Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | |
ANWTF | Alaska Northern Waters Task Force | State-level regional coordinating body |
AON | Arctic Observing Network | NSF funded project |
AOOS | Alaska Ocean Observing System | Part of IOOS |
AP | Advisory Panel | Used by NPFMC |
API | American Petroleum Institute | |
APICDA | Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association | CDQ Group |
ARC | Division Arctic Sciences | At NSF Division of Polar Programs (PLR) |
ARCSS | Arctic System Science Program | At NSF Division of Polar Programs (PLR) |
ARCUS | Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. | |
ARRT | Alaska Regional Response Team | Chaired by EPA, USCG is vice-chair |
ASLC | Alaska SeaLife Center | In Seward, Alaska |
ASRI | Arctic Spill Response Institute | At UAF, interested in leading Arctic spill/response R&D |
AUV | Autonomous Underwater Vehicle | Unmanned, not tethered to a mother ship |
BARC | Barrow Arctic Research Center | At the old NARL |
BASC | Barrow Arctic Science Consortium | A non-profit associated with BARC |
BBEDC | Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation | CDQ Group |
BERP | Bering Ecosystem Study | NSF study |
BEST | Bering Sea Ecosystem Study | NSF corollary to BSIERP |
BGCCRF | Barrow Global Climate Change Research Facility | Working title for the BARC |
BOEM | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | Formerly MMS, part of the Department of the Interior |
BOEMRE | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement | Formerly MMS, now divided into BOEM and BSEE |
BSAI | Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands | |
BSEE | Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement | Formerly MMS, part of the Department of the Interior |
BSIERP | Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program | Often called BEST-BSIERP when linked to the NSF’s earlier BEST |
BTSC | BTS Professional Services | Contractor on the BARC |
C-Plan | Oil spill contingency plan | See ODPCP |
CAA | Conflict Avoidance Agreement | Between AEWC and industry |
CABOS | Canadian Basin Observational System | See also NABOS |
CANUS | Canada-United States | Related to joint Canadian and U.S. oil spill contingency planning |
CBSFA | Central Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association | CDQ Group |
CDQ | Community Development Quota | |
CFEC | Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission | State of Alaska government commission |
CIMMC | Cook Inlet Marine Mammal Council | |
CMSP | Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning | |
CMTS | Committee on the Marine Transportation System | Component of U.S. Arctic Marine Transportation Integrated Action Team |
COSEE | Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence | |
CPAR | Conference of Arctic Parliamentarians | See SCPAR |
CPUE | Catch Per Unit Effort | |
CRRC | Coastal Response Research Center | At the University of New Hampshire |
CS | Catch Share | Refers to fisheries management |
CVOA | Catcher Vessel Operational Area | |
CVRF | Coastal Villages Region Fund | CDQ Group located in Kuskokwim Delta |
CZMA | Coastal Zone Management Act | Act of Congress to encourage state-level CZMPs |
CZMP | Coastal Zone Management Plan | |
EA/RIR | Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review | |
EAM | Ecosystem Approach to Management | |
EBM | Ecosystem-Based Management | |
EBS | Eastern Bering Sea | |
ECO | Ecosystem Conservation Office | Aleut community of St. Paul Tribal Government |
EC-PORS | Expert Committee on Polar Observations, Research, and Services | Part of the World Meteorological Organization |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone | A sea zone over which countries have special resource usage rights |
EFH | Essential Fish Habitat | |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement | |
ELOKA | Exchange For Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic | |
EPPR | Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response | Arctic Council working group for Arctic spill best practices |
ERMA® | Environmental Response Management Application | Online mapping tool for Arctic environmental planning and response |
ESA | Endangered Species Act | |
ESI | Environmental Sensitivity Index | Used in spill response to identify natural resources |
EWC | Eskimo Walrus Commission | One of five Alaska Native Organizations |
FEP | Fishery Ecosystem Plan | |
FMP | Fishery Management Plan | |
FOSC | Federal On-Scene Coordinator | With regards to oil spill response |
GHL | Guideline Harvest Level | |
GINA | Geographic Information Network of Alaska | |
GNOME | General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment | NOAA's oil spill trajectory model |
HAPC | Habitat Areas of Particular Concern | |
IABP | International Arctic Buoy Programme | At University of Washington |
IARC | International Arctic Research Center | At UAF |
IARPC | Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee | Coordinates Arctic Research, chaired by NSF, established by Congress |
IASC | International Arctic Science Committee | |
IAWG | Interagency Arctic Working Group | Established by Executive Order, addresses offshore drilling |
ICAS | Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope | |
ICC | Inuit Circumpolar Council | |
ICCOPR | Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research | Established by OPA-90; coordinating body for oil pollution research |
ICEX | Ice Exercise | A U.S. Navy exercise in Arctic conditions |
IFQ | Individual Fishing Quota | |
IHA | Incidental Harassment Authorization | Under MMPA |
IMO | International Maritime Organization | |
IOGP | International Association of Oil and Gas Producers | Currently funding Arctic oil-in-ice research; European Union based |
IOOS | Integrated Ocean Observing System | Collects and disseminates oceanographic data |
IPC | (Arctic) Interagency Policy Committee | Implementation of NSPD-66/HSPD-25 security goals |
IPHC | International Pacific Halibut Commission | |
IPY | International Polar Year | |
IRFA | Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis | |
IRIU | Improved Retention/Improved Utilization | |
ISAC | International Study of Arctic Change | |
ISC | Ice Seal Committee | |
IWC | International Whaling Commission | |
JAT | Joint Assessment Team | Trustee and industry coordination to facilitate NRDA process |
JIP | Joint Industry Program | Oil and gas industry-funded research |
LAMP | Local Area Management Plan | |
LAPP | Limited Access Privilege Program | |
LCC | Landscape Conservation Cooperative | Funded by U.S. Department of Interior |
LLP | License Limitation Program | |
LOST | Law of the Sea Treaty | See UNCLOS |
MMPA | Marine Mammal Protection Act | |
MRA | Maximum Retainable Allowance | |
MSA | Magnuson-Stevens Act | See MSFCMA |
MSFCMA | Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act | Primary law governing marine fisheries management in the U.S. |
MSP | Marine Spatial Planning | |
MSY | Maximum Sustainable Yield | Reference to harvest levels |
NABOS | Nansen and Amundsen Basins Observational System | See also CABOS |
NAIS | North American Ice Service | |
NARL | Naval Arctic Research Laboratory | 1947-1980 |
NAS | National Academies of Science | |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research | |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization | |
NIC | National Ice Center | |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service | |
NOAA | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration | |
NPFMC | North Pacific Fishery Management Council | |
NPRA | National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska | Previously "Naval Petroleum Reserve Number 4" |
NPRB | North Pacific Research Board | |
NRC | National Research Council | Within NAS |
NRDA | Natural Resource Damage Assessment | Legal process |
NRT | National Response Team | Supports FOSC in spill response |
NSEDC | Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation | CDQ Group |
NSF | National Science Foundation | |
NSIDC | National Snow and Ice Data Center | |
NSSI | North Slope Science Initiative | |
OCS | Outer Continental Shelf | |
ODPCP | Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan | Plan approved by BSEE for offshore drilling; also known as "C-Plan" |
OESC | Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee | |
OPA-90 | Oil Pollution Act of 1990 | |
OPP | Office of Polar Programs | At NSF |
OR&R | Office of Response and Restoration | NOAA office that provides scientific and technical support for oil and chemical releases and marine debris |
OSB | Ocean Studies Board | Within National Research Council |
OSRI | Oil Spill Recovery Institute | Funds Arctic and sub-Arctic marine oil spill research |
OSRO | Oil Spill Response Organization | Oil spill response contractor (e.g., Alaska Clean Seas for North Slope) |
OSRP | Oil Spill Response Plan | See ODPCP |
OY | Optimum Yield | |
PAME | Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment | An Arctic Council working group for non-emergency pollution prevention and control |
PARS | Port Access Route Study | |
POP | Pacific Ocean Perch | |
PRB | Polar Research Board | Part of the National Academies of Science (NAS) |
PSC | Prohibited Species Catch | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
ROV | Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle | Unmanned and tethered to a mother ship |
RRT | Regional Response Team | Co-chaired by USCG and EPA; ARRT in Alaska |
RUSALCA | Russian-American Long-term Census of the Arctic | |
SAFE | Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation | |
SAO | Senior Arctic Official | |
SAON | Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks | |
SCAR | Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | |
SCPAR | Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region | |
SDMI | Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative | |
SEARCH | Study of Environmental Arctic Change | |
SFOS | School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences | At UAF |
SNAP | Scenarios Network for Alaska & Arctic Planning | |
SSC | Scientific Support Coordinator | NOAA regional lead for oil spill response; in Alaska, John Whitney |
SSC | Scientific and Statistical Committee | Used by NPFMC |
SSL | Steller Sea Lion | |
TAC | Total Allowable Catch | Refers to fisheries annual allowances |
TEK | Traditional Ecological Knowledge | Refers to local knowledge of sensitive areas, ice conditions, ocean currents, and fish and wildlife that inhabit particular areas |
UAA | University of Alaska Anchorage | |
UAF | University of Alaska Fairbanks | |
UAS | University of Alaska Southeast | |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft Systems | |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea | |
USARC | U.S. Arctic Research Commission | Federal commission established by Congress in 1984 |
USFWS | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service | Part of the Department of the Interior |
USCG | U.S. Coast Guard | Lead response agency for spills in coastal waters and deepwater ports |
WACDA | Western Alaska Community Development Association | CDQ Group (umbrella group) |
WALCC | Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative | See LCC |
WAMS | Waterways Analysis and Management System | |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization | |
YDFDA | Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association | CDQ Group |
Have an addition or correction to this list? Email For more information on OR&R's Arctic activities and a calendar of related meetings, visit our Activities in the Arctic page.
Last updated
Monday, September 30, 2024 5:01am PDT