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News from the GNOME Wizard

September 2019 Update

We are releasing an update to GNOME, our desktop oil spill trajectory model.

New features and corrections we made in GNOME 1.3.11 include:

  • We extended the model years out to 2025, with corresponding tide data for location files.
  • Fixed a bug loading Save files with curvilinear netcdf grids.
  • Fixed a bug preserving the view in Save files on Windows.

To learn about other changes and additions made to GNOME over the years, see the GNOME Development History.


A helpful addition to the GNOME Toolbox is the GNOME Online Oceanographic Data Server, or GOODS. GOODS is an online tool that helps GNOME users access base maps and publicly available ocean currents and winds from various models and data sources. You can then download the files in a format that can be read directly into GNOME (e.g., map files in BNA format; current and wind files in netCDF).

Visit the public GOODS site:

Tidal current predictions from VDATUM ADCIRC harmonic constituents are now available in GOODS for the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico. Users can select any time period within the next year and receive "GNOME-ready" tidal currents for a region of interest. Note, the ADCIRC outputs represent vertically averaged tidal currents, so are most applicable in shallow tidally-dominated regions.

GOODS is still under active development and we’re interested in your feedback. Please contact us with your questions, comments, or suggestions for GOODS.

Next Generation GNOME

ERD has publicly released a beta version of a suite of oil spill modeling tools, comprising the next generation of GNOME. The GNOME suite will provide a number of new features, as well as a library of code that can be used by researchers for batch processing, integration with other models, etc.

The GNOME suite is currently under rapid development, and will see regular improvements in stability and features over the next few months. The suite will replace the desktop version of GNOME and the ADIOS oil weathering program with a new Web interface and updated fate and transport algorithms; however, the old version of GNOME, with it downloadable Location Files, as well as the existing ADIOS program will be maintained and supported as we transition to use of the new suite for NOAA's spill response support.

The GNOME suite can be used and accessed in multiple ways and includes the following features:

  • Web interface as WebGNOME, including Location Files that no longer need to be downloaded
  • 3D transport modeling
  • Weathering algorithms from the ADIOS weathering model, with updates
  • Integration of the TAMOC deepwater blowout model
  • Integration of the Response Options Calculator (ROC) to assess performance of spill response systems (i.e., skimming, burning, application of chemical dispersant)
  • Enhanced output for interaction with GIS systems
  • A scripting interface for automation and batch processing (PyGNOME)
  • An open-source code base

Upcoming Location Files

The next Location File to be created is still under consideration by the GNOME Team.


Questions: Contact us with your questions, comments, or suggestions for GNOME.

Last updated Wednesday, April 13, 2022 4:24pm PDT