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GNOME ArcView 3.x Extension

NOTE: As we transition from the desktop version of GNOME to the GNOME suite of tools, we will no longer be outputting the MOSS files for Arc in WebGNOME. As a result, this tool will be deprecated and we will be unable to support its use going forward.

You can use gnome.avx, a multi-featured ArcView extension, to view your GNOME oil spill trajectories in ArcView 3.x. (You also can use gnome.avx to enter vector-based trajectory analyses in ArcView 3.x; however, performing this function requires additional software and specialized training.) This tool is no longer being updated, but it will continue to be available for download in its current version.

Downloading the Extension

  1. Download, the compressed version of gnome.avx. [Zip, 13.6 KB] The extension has been compressed as a self-extracting zip file so it can be downloaded more easily from the Internet. [Need help with compressed files?]
  2. Drag the file, gnome.avx, into your ArcView extensions directory.

Using the Extension

First, create a GNOME output file set:

  1. Create and run a spill scenario.
  2. Save a set of output files. To do this, from the File menu, choose Save, then choose either:
    • NOAA Standard Splot Files (for GIS), to save only a single view of the spill at a single time and day.
    • NOAA Standard Splot File Series (for GIS), to save a series of successive views of the spill, at 1-hour intervals.

    In either case, save your file set into a new folder.

Then, view your saved trajectory in ArcView:

  1. Start ArcView 3.x. From the File menu, choose Extensions, then check the GNOME Extension check box. You've now loaded the GNOME Extension into your project; you should see a GNOME icon on the view window toolbar.
  2. Select the GNOME icon, then choose either:
  • "Import GNOME LEs (splots)," to import your GNOME file set into ArcView so that you can view your GNOME trajectory output in ArcView. You then can overlay your GNOME splots on your other ArcView themes or geo-referenced raster files, or use ArcView to view or query themes that you select.
  • "Create a layout for trajectory analysis view," to create a color, 8.5-by-11-inch standardized map showing your GNOME results, that you can print out.

All the GNOME files that you import into ArcView will be displayed using standard NOAA colors and terminology.

Questions: Contact us with your questions, comments, or suggestions for GNOME.

Go back to the GNOME Toolkit page.

Last updated Wednesday, October 28, 2020 8:18pm PDT